Grant, Jane A

Married Name Grant, Jane A
Birth Name ?? Bradford, Jane
Gender female
Age at Death more than about 64 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1816 South Carolina per various census  
Death after 1880   per 1880 Loudon Co Tn Census  
Burial   Location Undetermined Unknown    


Family of Grant, uncertain and Grant, Jane A

Married Husband Grant, uncertain ( * about 1816 + before 1860 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Grant, Martha Jbefore 1836
Grant, Williambefore 1836
Grant, Amanda Catherine1836-07-121896-07-19
Grant, Juliaabout 18381919-01-09
Grant, Theodrick Bradford1844-12-181917-09-19
Grant, Mary H or F1851after 1880


Bradford is the name given by Virginia Thompson Helm for Jane, based on her son's middle name ... it may be as good of a guess as any. Other suspect her maiden name was Smith, based on census of an eldeerly Smith man living with her. Some suspect Issac Grant was her husband but all records found show age appropriate Issac Grant being single teacher.


There is no verification of Jane's maiden name or who her parents are; there is no verification of who her husband was [all Issac Grant Sr in Jefferson county was married and Issac Grant Jr was single]


Jane and M[ary] are listed in 1860 Jefferson County Census, with T[heodrick] age 16, with Smith.
[note a John Grant is listed in 1840 census but no names other than his given - only age and gender brackets - IF this is Jane's husband there are more children older than the ones we know about]


Per Julia Grant death certificate her father's name was Issac Grant


Type Value Notes Sources
Merged Gramps ID I0154