Grant, Johnny Absalom 1a

Birth Name Grant, Johnny Absalom
Gender male
Age at Death 67 years, 1 month


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1884-12-00      
Death 1952   Obituary 68 years old  
Marriage 1926-09-30   Pearl Huff Newman by WA White MJ RA Patterson Surry Peakland TN  

one girl

Marriage     Sarah --  
Burial   Green Pond, Soddy Daisy, Tennessee    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Grant, Theodrick Bradford1844-12-181917-09-19
Mother Stuffelstreet, Elizabeth1844-11-051927-07-24
    Brother     Grant, Theophilus Lafayette 1868-11-20 1944-01-12
    Brother     Grant, James 1871 1871-08-15
    Sister     Grant, LeaUna Janie 1872-10-30 1955-04-27
    Sister     Grant, Niner Florence 1875-02-02 1963-09-06
    Brother     Grant, Infant 1877-10-02 about 1877
    Sister     Grant, Alice Caroline 1878-12-16 1911-08-14
    Sister     Grant, Hester Lilly 1882-04-09 1975-10-07
         Grant, Johnny Absalom 1884-12-00 1952


concord bc

page 1 1824
Concord begins

May 1867 [per page 416, membership list and information at end of minutes]
Theodrick Grant by experience or letter unknown

Nov 1871
Elizabeth Grant by experience

church choose the following bear to represent us in the Hywassee asociation, viz: James Edgemman, L Mathis, A S Walker, W T Cade, John Rentfrow, Theodric Grant;

Theophlis Grant to take charge of the church house to open and shut dores and windwers

Theophlis Grant requested the church to release him from open and shuting the church house dores

Bro B M Redman turned the kee of the church house over to Bro Theophlis Grant and he takes charge of the church house

received Hester L Grant by experience

reception of members and received .. Sister Angline Grant all by letter
.. organized a Sunday School to be taught under the directions of the church

Sister Rosa Thompson departed this life December 12 1902

..the report of Bro Milton Gallant for Savering... he said he was gouilty of the repart of Savering .. Bro Milton Gallant said Sates Ninive F Gallant gave him the Lie thay was boath mad at each other Sister Gallant said she sorrow of such and expreshen thay boath agree to far gave each other... this all seames to Beafamily confushion and brings in Bro Theophilis Grant he said he was guilty of cursing his Bro John Grant and all so of whiping his wife he said he was sorrow of doing so and said there was a better way of living and was gowing to do better and waunts the church to far gave him and bear with him Bro Grants Family and all the rest that is named hur gave each other there hands and the committee that this was all settled

Sister Cathrine Thompson departed this life September 13 1908 age fourty years

Sister Alice C Grant departed this life August the 14 1911 age 32 years

...committee to look after members that dont attend church [those not attending] ... Theophlis Grant...[and others]

.... Theophlis Grant.. made there acknowledgement for not attending church and the church agreed to bear with them..
... Granted Sister Martha Thompson a letter of Dismishen in full felowship

tuck [took] the Sacrimental of the Lord Supper
.. it is arumer [a roomer] against Bro Theophlis Grant for whiping his wife and appointed acommity to in vestigate
... the commity on Bro Theophlis Grant case made there repart and dischared commity thay dident have any proof against Bro Grant

appointed Bro Johna Grant to open and shut up the church and agree to pay him two dollars and fifty cents a year

page 228 1916
the church prefered charges against Theophlis Grant and wife for conduct unbecoming Church members and with druw church fellowship from them

Sister Celena C Gallant departed this life Sept 6th 1916 age 60 years 11 mo 6 days

appointed .. Bros James Cade, John Grant to remove the blinds from the church window

Theodric Grant departed this life Sep 19 1917 years monthes days


... Sister Sallie Gallant departed this life March 1918
Bro W A Gallant departed this life April 19 1918

James Thompson, JF Thompson, OH Thompson, IS Thompson, HB Thompson, Minnie L Thompson, LJ Thompson... by experience

James Thompson to association

Aug 1919
Received by experience as candidates for bapism Bro Anderson Thompson
.. baptized Bro Anderson Thompson... Lonie Thompson

lifted a charge against bro John Grant for departing from the faith and joining the methodist church

May 1920 Mt Pisgah started
Granted letters of dismission in full fellowship with us to enter the organization of a new church at Pisquah, names James Thompson, Isaas Thompson, Anderson Thompson, Hester Thompson, Bradford Thompson, Ol Thompson, Lemie Thompson, John Thompson, Maud Ball, Owen Ball, Laura Hackler, DL Mathew, Mattie Mathew, Hubert Ingram, Albert Ingram
..[June] Granted Joe Henry Thompson and wife Martha Thompson a letter of dismission in full fellowship

1923 Theopolus Grant restored to membership

MEMBERSHIP LISTS (multiple lists) begin page 400

Page 416 member #636
May 1867 Grant Theoderic baptized (80)
Nov 1871 Elizabeth Grant



Johnny and Theopolus "would go up to Bristol to help Uncle David" ...
census shows they stayed with JB Treadway and Patterson families - none of which were David...
The last name of "uncle David" was not mentioned. An assumption was made that his last name was Grant, but could have been other...


1931 Letter from Johnny Grant c/o J. B. Treadway

1900 Census Carter Co TN
Jake Treadway age 36 c.1864
Sarenia 22 c.1877
Hattie 6 c.1894
Nanie 3 c.1896
Minnie 2 c.1898
Kelly T (son) 7/12 c.1899


1910 Census Sullivan Co
Jacob 46 c.1864
Minnie (Blevins) 28 c.1882
Hattie 16 c.1894
Nannie 14 c.1896
Minnie J 12 c.1898
Addie L 7 c.1903
M C 4 c.1906
Author 2 c.1908
Nellie 0 c.1910


Jacob Treadway & Minnie Blevins married 1902 (Carter County)
Addie c1903
Mack 13 c.1907
Author 11 c.1909
Nellie 10 c.1910
(Theoplis Grant was with them)

1920 Sullivan (Renting)
Jake 53 c.1867
Ethel (Rhymer) 28 c.1892
Addie 15 c.1905
Mack 13 c.1907
Author 11 c.1909
Nellie 10 c.1910

family Ethel Addie Mack Author Nellie
1920 census 53 yrs old - born 1867
appear to be renting from Charles P Booker owner age 53 or, John Booker renter age 72 or Sarah Booker owner age 80

1930 Sullivan (Owns)
Jake 64 c.1866
Ethel (Rhymer) 37 c.1893
Mack 24 c.1906
Auther 22 c.1908

Jake & Minnie and family cemetery
includes Oniga Holt Treadway

There is a Jacob Browlow Treadway in Carter County born 1839 - his father and mother are John A and Onigia (Holt) Treadway

multiple wives:
1. Irene Couger (Hattie's mother - Hattie married in Montana)
2. Sarenia (per 1900 census)
2. Minnie Blevins (Addie's mother - Addie married in Montana) (Married 1902 Carter Co)
3, Ethel Rhymer (married July 8 1914 Sullivan Co)

Sarena and Ethel are buried in

1902 Jacob Treadway and Minnie Blevins parents of Addie married in Carter Co

Jacob, Minnie Blevins, Author and his wife buried

1914 Jacob Treadway and Ethel Rhymer married in Sullivan Co

Jacob Treadway & Irene Couger
(Hattie's Mother - married in Montana)
Hattie born c 1894

Jacob Treadway & Sarenia Carriger (Married 1893 Carter County)
(per 1900 Carter County census)
Hattie 6 c.1894
Nanie 3 c.1896
Minnie 2 c.1898
Kelly T (son) 7/12 c.1899


Jacob Treadway & Ethel Rhymer married 1914 (Sullivan County)


Who is Oniga Holt Treadway?

Onigia Treadway (Holt)
Also Known As: "Oniga Tredway"
Birthdate: November 25, 1787
Death: June 16, 1891 (103)
Place of Burial: John Bate Treadway Cemetery, Carter County, Tennessee, USA
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jacob Holt and Elizabeth Holt
Wife of John A. Treadway
Mother of Morgan Treadway; Benjamin Franklin Treadway; John Henry Treadway; Mary Ann Stover; Elizabeth Anne O'Brien; Rebecca Ann McKinney; Elbert Monroe Treadway; Robert M. Treadway and Jacob Brownlow Treadway (Johnny and Theophelous connection)



Source References

  1. Church Clerks: Concord Baptist Church Minutes
      • Date: between 1824 and 1985
      • Page: 1/1
      • Confidence: Very High
      • Source text:

        Concord Missionary Baptist Church was constituded in 1825 - continues
        Minutes are recorded by clerks and approved by the church in business meetings